A TEDx Talk – What an experience!

Part of being a principal means having many chats, conversations and presentations. Some you plan for, especially for big events, others are on the run in the middle of the playground, some are impromptus with small groups in the staff room, as well as the one to one confidential chats with parents behind closed doors.

And then there is a TEDx Talk!

A few months back I was nudged by an online connection to consider delivering a TED Talk. My immediate response was, ‘That’s not something for me. It is for the Gurus around the world.” But that’s just it, there is a difference between TED and TedX, with the latter relying on local people spreading their ideas that are making a difference in their local community.

Holly Kershaw and Nat Wadwell are the two young ladies who gave up every spare minute of their time for about 4 months after they obtained the license for TEDx Parramatta, Their reasons for doing so…

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Holly and Nat deeply believe in the potential of the rapidly changing region of Western Sydney. As one of 8 speakers in the day, I spoke about the need to shape a ‘new normal’ for preschool to post school education using the emerging story of St Luke’s Catholic College as the reference point. With 900 000 people moving into Western Sydney in the next 15 years we have the opportunity to do this, but do we have the courage?

My reflections about TEDx?

Firstly, it was a privilege to join seven other speakers who are making a real difference in this world. Secondly, upon reflection, the real differences between my every day chats and conversations, and that of a TEDx Talk are numerous. However, the following 3 stand out:

  • The ‘red dot’, cameras and a program pushed out on Social Media is not an everyday, run of the mill occurrence, and it brought on the need to acutely focus like very few times before.
  • Waffle was out, precision was in. Eduspeak, acronyms and contextual language was out, and language which resonated with a discerning mainstream audience from diverse backgrounds was required. Holly and Nat often assisted me to turn 3 or 4 sentences of elongated eduspeak into one concise sentence. An example of ‘simplexity’ perhaps?
  • I was reminded that “stories sell”! “Relate your idea with the stories or people or times when your idea came to life.


There were plenty of hours practise required in the weeks leading up to ‘Grand Final Day’! I need to say “Thank you” to my wife and live at home daughters who heard the talk over and over and over again. As an aside, it was satisfying to hear my wife say that “That’s the best I have heard you say it” – High praise indeed from a hard marker – haha!

My wife and daughters were joined in the audience by my father (thanks to a very thoughtful colleague who gave up her ticket), sister and colleagues – their presence was uplifting. I also appreciated the thoughts from my son and daughter-in-law from the other side of the Blue Mountains, and I was thankful for the many messages of support from colleagues and connections who offered their best wishes either in person or via social media. I am also thankful to the staff of St Luke’s who took time to listen to me twice and provide feedback so I could better my pitch, performance and presentation.

Finally, congratulations to Sara, Jesse, Susan, Jane, Victor, Queenie and James. Thank you for your contribution to the event and helping me learn about inspiring actions and ideas beyond schooling and education. I enjoyed listening to each and every one of your talks. Each one of you are are inspiring those around you and making a real difference in your immediate world. Let’s continue to spread the ideas…

James, Jane, Susan, Queenie, Sara, Jesse, Victor and Yours Truly. Photo by Erielle Sudario.



P.S. Links to each TEDx Parramatta talk will be uploaded to the TED site within the next few weeks.